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A Tuning Session

The healthy human body maintains a temperature of 36.5 to 37.5 degrees celsius. That is a-lot of energy and internal energy management. We also have an electrical system within us: voltage. All that energy and voltage, are governed by eleven energy centers around the body, another name for these centers, are Chakras. As we go through life, our energy center pathways become blocked to various degrees, as we experience sadness, trauma, grief, accidents and injuries etc. 


We have 7 main energy centers/chakra, and 4 minor, the feet and knees.  Generally speaking most people can get their most seriously blocked energy centers cleared in 3 sessions. However it is 'highly beneficial' to have all 11 centers cleared, which i do in 11 sessions.


Whether we clear the chakras front and back, reset the adrenal glands to their natural rhythm or clear the side pathways of the chakras (this is where we leak emotional and pain energy into, during stressful times), you will definitely be better off for the experience.

 Results have ranged from: feeling renewed, feeling amazing, lighter, completely energised, unburdened, much clearer, unstuck and more connected, less depression, able to deal with life better, and much more…. to those who simply feel more relaxed. 

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